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Acrylic Landscape Painting Level 1

Categories: Acrylics, Basics, Landscape
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About Course

Level 1 basic landscape painting is all about painting simple objects and learning to use brushes and mixing colors from limited palette with real applications. Focusing on copying natural objects like grasses, trees, clouds and mountains or all elements that make up a landscape painting.

This lesson also will take up about learning on how to create leaves and grasses using different types of brushes. I recommend this lessons to beginners who want to try landscape painting and I even recommend to take up this lesson first because it will challenge beginners to practice mixing and using different types of brushes. It may look complicated and hard, but I tell you that this are mostly basic lessons. And at the end of this lesson, you can even painting your own landscape using this techniques. You just have to compose from painting the sky, clouds, mountains, trees until grasses.


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What Will You Learn?

  • You will learn on how to paint the basic objects
  • You will learn painting sky
  • You will learn on how to paint clouds
  • You will learn how to paint mountain

Course Content

Materials first
materials used

  • Acrylic Paint Colors and Brands
  • Artist Brushes For Acrylics
  • Stretched Canvas
  • Other Materials

Let’s start with the Basic Paintings
Basic landscape focusing on simple objects like clouds, sky, trees, etc...

Student Ratings & Reviews

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5 months ago
I never thought I could paint, but the step-by-step tutorials on YouPainter made it so accessible. I’ve gained so much confidence and completed my first landscape piece! Highly recommend!